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Dr Kathy says:

Managing Springtime Allergies

Avoid outdoor activity in the early morning, when pollen counts are highest. The best time...

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Preventing Diverticulitis


Small pouches (diverticula) along the walls of the colon sometimes become inflamed or...

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Slow Down to Eat Less

Experts say that if you slow down the pace at which you eat, you will consume fewer
calories. This...

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Puzzling News

A British study suggests that doing a crossword puzzle every day may help keep your
brain sharp....

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Vitamin D May Improve Vascular Function

Vitamin D is essential to keeping bones strong and may even play a role in staving off depression...

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Lentils & Lower Diabetes Risk

Consuming more lentils and other legumes such as peas and beans may help lower the
risk of type 2...

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Coffee & Longevity

Coffee contains antioxidants, nutrients and minerals. Drinking coffee has been
linked to lower...

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Good News for Chocolate Lovers

A new meta-analysis by researchers in Italy found that eating chocolate (dark) may
not only help...

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Cycling Cuts Cancer Risk

Several previous studies have reported associations between cycling and lower
heart disease risk....

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Good News For Egg Lovers

For a time, eggs were given a bad rap because of their high cholesterol, but recent studies...

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